Welcome to B&Bowas Cleaning

Cleaning services in Regina

Why B&Bowa's Cleaning?

Experience the magic of B&Bowa’s Cleaning Services. Say goodbye to mundane cleaning and hello to a sparkling, enchanting workspace. Contact us today to schedule your cleaning consultation, and let us make your space captivatingly clean.

7+ Years of Service

Celebrating 7 plus years of excellence in redefining cleanliness. From homes to businesses, we’ve transformed spaces into pristine havens. Join our journey of making the world sparkle!

Professional & Experienced Staffs

Our team of experienced cleaners are not only skilled in their craft but are also experienced technicians, who are passionate about creating a clean and inviting environment for you across various sectors.

Best Quality and Most Efficient

We understand the importance of minimal downtime. Our efficient cleaning processes are designed to get your facility back to optimal operation quickly.

Customer Friendly & Trustable Advice

Rest easy knowing that your home is in the hands of reliable, trustworthy professionals who treat your space with the utmost respect. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Cleaning Services in Regina

Residential Cleaning

Our residential cleaning services transform your living space into a haven of cleanliness and comfort, allowing you to fully enjoy every moment spent within its walls

Industrial Cleaning

Our efficient cleaning processes are designed to get your facility back to optimal operation quickly

Commercial Cleaning

Elevate workspace efficiency and hygiene with our tailored commercial cleaning solutions, boosting employee morale and client impressions.

Disinfection and Sanitation

We specialize in providing top-tier disinfection and sanitation services that prioritize the health and well-being of your environment.

Window Cleaning

We take pride in delivering streak-free, crystal clear windows that enhance the beauty of your space.

Power Washing

Dirt, grime, and weathered stains don’t stand a chance when the power of clean is in your corner.

Post-Construction Cleanup

Our team is well-versed in the unique challenges of post-construction cleaning, ensuring a thorough and efficient process.

Garage and Parking Lots Cleaning

We leave no stone unturned, ensuring your parking lot and garage is clean from edge to edge, enhancing the beauty of your firm

Our Trusted Cleaning Partners

Building a Legacy of Trust & Sustained Growth: Our Partner Journey Through the Years


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